Abolish Abortion Nebraska: Equality Before the Law

No more compromise

Justice for the oppressed

Justice for the oppressed

Justice for the oppressed

“Equality before the law”

It’s our state motto.


“No state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”


It’s in our nation’s constitution (14th Amendment).


“Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” And “You shall not be partial in judgment.”


It’s in the Bible (Matt. 7:12; Deut. 1:17).


Yet on average, seven innocent children are murdered in our state every single day.


And since the Dobbs decision, self-managed abortion continues to rise.

Abortion on the ballot

Abortion on the ballot

Abortion on the ballot

Vote NO to both of these evil amendments!

Instead of innocent preborn children being legally protected under our laws, the act of abortion is what is protected in Nebraska. Two proposed constitutional amendments would further solidify the protection of abortion as a legal act, continuing to allow parents to murder their own preborn children with impunity.


These are called “Protect the Right to Abortion” and the terribly mistitled “Protect Women and Children” amendment. Both would add a right to abortion into our state’s constitution, either by explicit declaration, or by permitting abortion in the first trimester, when most abortions take place.

Please visit the following website, NoToBoth.org, to read how similar and terrible both amendments are.

Vote NO to Both

Solemn assembly

Solemn assembly

Solemn assembly

On the equal protection of all humans in the womb

Watch as Christians gather in our state’s capitol to hear the Word of God proclaimed, sing to our great King, and seek our just and merciful Lord on behalf of the preborn. As you watch, follow along with this handout.


The day of the solemn assembly, a document was delivered to all 49 state senators providing counsel from more than 130 Nebraska pastors on the biblical requirement to provide equal protection to all human beings. Pastors can add their names at EndAbortionNE.com.

Faithful pastor, is your heart burdened with the injustice perpetrated against our preborn neighbors year after year in Nebraska? Do you long for the day when the holocaust continuing against the innocent will no longer be permitted under the law? Would you love to finally see abortion abolished in our beloved state? You can help! Join together with other pastors in Nebraska by adding your name to a document providing biblical counsel to our legislators to grant equal protection under the law for all human beings.


» The document can be viewed here. « It will be updated periodically as more pastors add their names.


Are you a church member? Share this document with your pastor, and ask him if he would like to add his name to it.


We are collaborating with End Abortion Nebraska to get this document into the hands of as many pastors as possible this year.


Interest in signing or questions about the document can be directed to Jarrod Ridge at Jarrod@EndAbortionNE.com, or to us by using the contact button at the top of this page.

Honor Your Hero

Abolish Abortion Nebraska will have a booth at the Honor Your Hero event in Red Cloud, NE on September 7th from 4pm to 9pm.


The event is free to the general public. There will be a car show, food vendors, music, various booths, and an opportunity to vote for your hero! You can also support first responders by ordering tickets to participate in a large online raffle.


More information can be found at HonorYourHeroNow.com.


We’d love to see you there!

From the blog

From the blog

From the blog

2025 Brings More Pro-life Compromise


Pro-life and pro-abortion laws are very similar


“If you show partiality, you are committing sin” (James 2:9).


We have said before that pro-life and pro-abortion bills often have much in common. Legislation presented this year provides more examples of this being the case.


Below are three bills concerning the preborn which have been introduced in the Unicameral this session, two by pro-life senators, and one by a pro-abortion senator.


Please note the following that each of the bills — whether pro-life or pro-abortion — have in common:

  • If a mother wants to commit an abortion, it is simply her choice to do so.
  • Preborn human beings are regarded as if they were some lesser being, and not human at all — certainly not as bearing God’s image.
  • Babies in the womb are not entitled to equal protection under the law.
  • Our most innocent and needy neighbors continue to be deprived of their most basic rights.
  • Abortion is treated as if it were health care to be regulated, rather than murder, which must be abolished.


Text of the bills can be read at the bills’ status pages.



Legislative Bill 53

“Provide criminal and civil immunity for pregnancy outcomes”


LB53 status

Introducer: Sen. M. Cavanaugh (pro-abortion)

Supporters: ACLU of Nebraska

Hearing date: March 6, 2025

Committee assigned: Judiciary Committee



No “outcome” from “decisions” made by a woman about her “own pregnancy,” including the “intentional termination” (murder) of her own preborn child, shall result in any criminal penalty for or civil action against the woman (Sections 1–3).



Legislative Bill 512

“Adopt the Chemical Abortion Safety Protocol Act”


LB512 status

Introducer: Sen. Holdcroft (pro-life)

Supporters: Nebraska Catholic Conference, Nebraska Family Alliance, Nebraska Right to Life

Hearing date: February 13, 2025

Committee assigned: Health and Human Services Committee



  • Intended to “enact safety regulations” “to protect women” who commit murder via chemical abortion (Statement of Intent).
  • Requires any Nebraska physician functioning as assassin-for-hire to check for ectopic pregnancy before providing a mother with chemicals to use with the “specific intent” of murdering “her preborn child” (Sec. 2–3).
  • A follow-up visit must be scheduled, but does not have to be kept (Sec. 4).
  • The mother shall be immune from any penalty for having committed murder (Sec. 6).
  • If the physician does not follow the steps laid out before assisting with the murder, his conduct may be considered “unprofessional” because he has failed to “conform to the standards of acceptable and prevailing practice of medicine,” or of “the ethics of the profession” (Sec. 7).



Legislative Bill 669

“Change requirements for voluntary and informed consent and civil actions relating to abortion”


LB669 status

Introducer: Sen. Storer (pro-life)

Supporters: Nebraska Catholic Conference, Nebraska Family Alliance, Nebraska Right to Life

Hearing date: March 6, 2025

Committee assigned: Judiciary Committee



  • Amends several existing statutes in Nebraska law. One of the statutes being amended (Neb. Rev. Stat. § 28-327) begins with the phrase, “No abortion shall be performed except…” This phrase is left just as it is.
  • Requires the abortionist to privately ask clients if they feel coerced into committing an abortion, or have been victim to domestic violence or human trafficking. If the answer is affirmative, an opportunity to make a confidential phone call is to be offered. However, so long as this has been done, the hired hitman can still proceed to assist the mother in murdering her child if she decides to go ahead with it, and this will be considered a “voluntary” action (Sec. 3).
  • Indicates that Nebraska is not currently “prevented from providing adequate legal remedies to protect … unborn human life” (Sec. 1), and yet does nothing to provide the unborn human life with any legal protection at all. For the woman who truly is coerced, since the preborn baby is without legal protection, under this law the coercers would face no justice, because the woman can kill her child and nothing illegal will be considered to have taken place.



How you can help


  1. Share this page with others. Copy this link and send it to anyone you think needs to know.
  2. Voice your godly opposition to any (or all three!) of these bills.

    (a) If the hearing is scheduled in the future, choose to:

    i. Testify in person, OR

    ii. Submit testimony via online comment (from the bill’s status page).

    Either way, please also email the members of the committee.

    If testifying in person, write to let us know so we can connect you with others who will be doing the same. New to tesifying in person? Here are some tips. Abolitionist testimony was offered in person on LB512, and we’re planning in-person testimony for March 6th on LB53 as well.

    (b) If the hearing is in the past but the bill is still active, please write or call your senator.



What to say?


Urge the senators not to support these bills. Remember what the bills all have in common. (See the top of this page.)


Instead, plead with the senators to sponsor a bill of equal protection, which would immediately abolish abortion as murder without exception or compromise. Refer them to the biblical counsel given to them by over 130 pastors in Nebraska recommending that they do this.



Addendum: Legislative Bill 124

“Change penalties for motor vehicle homicide of an unborn child”


LB124 status

Introducer: Sen. Holdcroft (pro-life)

Supporters: Nebraska Catholic Conference, Nebraska Family Alliance

Hearing date: January 23, 2025

Committee assigned: Judiciary Committee


This bill, while it does not discuss abortion directly and does not fail on every point listed above, is worth mentioning because the bill amends a short, simple act that would classify abortion as murder, if it were not for the mother being given complete immunity if it is her own conduct that results in the death of her preborn child (see Neb. Rev. Stat. §§ 28-388 to 28-394).



  • The Homicide of the Unborn Child Act defines homicide crimes against an unborn child: murder in the first and second degrees, manslaughter, and motor vehicle homicide. This bill amends the portion of the act concerning motor vehicle homicide against an unborn child (§ 28-394).

  • What it leaves completely unchanged is that the Homicide of the Unborn Child Act does not apply “when the act or conduct is” “committed or engaged in by the mother of the unborn child,” or concerns “any medical procedure performed with the consent of the mother” (§ 28-390).

  • Says that its purpose is to make the penalties for the homicide of an unborn child while driving under the influence match the penalties for other homicides committed while driving under the influence (Statement of Intent). But it will not accomplish this purpose, because the penalties are not applied equally. For if it is the mother of the preborn child who is driving under the influence, and she survives but her conduct kills her child, she would be held guiltless (§ 28-390).*

  • Homicide of an unborn child while driving under the influence is an uncommon offense. As a deputy county attorney has said, “It’s one of those laws you don’t see a lot.” By contrast, abortions take place so often in Nebraska that on average another preborn baby is murdered at least once every four hours, every single day. But according to the Homicide of the Unborn Child Act, because of the exception for mothers, this is not actually homicide. And LB124, while amending the act, does nothing to rectify this.


*In a review published by the Association for the Advancement of Automotive Medicine, of 120 automotive crashes involving pregnant occupants, in over half of the cases (62.5%), the mother survived while the preborn child died.

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Must-see videos

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Equal protection

Equal protection

Equal protection

Dear fellow Nebraskans

Our land has been filled with blood. We have failed to love our neighbors as ourselves. We have neglected justice and the law of God. We must repent. We must learn to do good again. And we must establish justice. We must abolish abortion in Nebraska.


We must grant equal protection to all humans, regardless of age, location, or ability. Our laws against murder should apply to a two-month-old in the womb the same as to a two-year-old out of the womb.

Thing You Say to Us

If you have questions about or objections to equal protection, we suggest reading “Things You Say to Us in the Equal Protection (Abortion Abolition) Debate.”

Equal protection simply means the same laws that protect these people should protect these people

Learn more

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Educate yourself

Would you like to learn more? Check out these abolitionist resources.


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Take action

Abortion is the sin of murder, and the Gospel is the only answer to sin. Therefore we as abolitionists are committed to bringing the Gospel into conflict with the culture of death. We will not rest until abortion is abolished in Nebraska, to the glory of God, and we are teaching our children to live in the same way.


If you would like to join us in the fight against child sacrifice:


And if you have found our site but do not yet know and love and obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ, would you take a few minutes out of your day to watch and consider this important presentation?