Abolish Abortion Nebraska: Equality Before the Law

No more compromise

Justice for the oppressed

Justice for the oppressed

Justice for the oppressed

“Equality before the law”

It’s our state motto.


“No state shall deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”


It’s in our nation’s constitution (14th Amendment).


“Whatever you wish that others would do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.” And “You shall not be partial in judgment.”


It’s in the Bible (Matt. 7:12; Deut. 1:17).


Yet on average, seven innocent children are murdered in our state every single day.


And since the Dobbs decision, self-managed abortion continues to rise.

Must-see videos

Must-see videos

Must-see videos

Equal protection

Equal protection

Equal protection

Dear fellow Nebraskans

Our land has been filled with blood. We have failed to love our neighbors as ourselves. We have neglected justice and the law of God. We must repent. We must learn to do good again. And we must establish justice. We must abolish abortion in Nebraska.


We must grant equal protection to all humans, regardless of age, location, or ability. Our laws against murder should apply to a two-month-old in the womb the same as to a two-year-old out of the womb.

Thing You Say to Us

If you have questions about or objections to equal protection, we suggest reading “Things You Say to Us in the Equal Protection (Abortion Abolition) Debate.”

Equal protection simply means the same laws that protect these people should protect these people

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Would you like to learn more? Check out these abolitionist resources.


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Abortion is the sin of murder, and the Gospel is the only answer to sin. Therefore we as abolitionists are committed to bringing the Gospel into conflict with the culture of death. We will not rest until abortion is abolished in Nebraska, to the glory of God, and we are teaching our children to live in the same way.


If you would like to join us in the fight against child sacrifice:


And if you have found our site but do not yet know and love and obey the Gospel of Jesus Christ, would you take a few minutes out of your day to watch and consider this important presentation?