Abolish Abortion Nebraska: Equality Before the Law

No more compromise




Fellow Christians, we’re glad you have come to our site. We humbly suggest that, as you read and consider how to help, you schedule time to do the things that you can, so that they will happen. Make them part of your regular routine. If at all possible, do them with others.


We believe that the question is not whether you should do any of these things, but which one(s), and how often. Each of us must weigh his varying responsibilities for his own situation. But surely something is required of every one of us in this abortion holocaust. Otherwise, are we living according to the station and circumstances into which God has placed us?


In love to our preborn neighbors, who are unquestionably the neediest among us, let us spur one another on to good deeds on their behalf.


Dig into these resources to educate yourself by visiting the following links.


Refuse to go with the multitude to do evil!


If you’re new to abolition, start with the above link. And then feel free to return when you’d like to dig in some more.

A summary of the theological and strategic distinctives of the abolitionist movement. Answers the question, “What is an abolitionist of abortion?” in a series of affirmations and denials.

Incremental pro-life bills:

  1. violate God’s Word
  2. are unconstitutional
  3. dehumanize preborn children
  4. strengthen the sham of judicial supremacy
  5. are a substitute for abolition
Biblical Strategies to Abolish Abortion

A practical and comprehensive applied handbook and reference guide for the battle to abolish abortion.

The Doctrine of Balaam

A polemic against the secular pro-life establishment, and an exhortation with encouragement to the persecuted bride of Christ to resist the temptation of fellowship with darkness.


(This one may not be suitable for young children.)


Spread the word. Share these resources with your friends, family, fellow church members, pastors, and civil leaders. The evil of the pro-life establishment and the compromise and apathy of the church must be exposed.


Examples: Read one of the above books together with your friends. Or have a film showing at your church of “A Storm Comes Rolling Down the Plain.” Start discussions. Share links on social media. Schedule a speaker to come to your church and teach the biblical principles of abolitionism. (Write us if interested.)


That is, with your legislator. Contact your senator regularly. Set up a recurring reminder to call him or her. Go in person when you can.


Graciously exhort your senator and plead with him/her to introduce a bill that will treat the murder of a preborn human being just like that of a born human being.


If you’re not sure who your senator is, you can find out by entering your address here:
Nebraska Legislature – Find Your Senator and District


For printable cards related to many of the objections or questions you’re likely to hear, see:
Things You Say to Us Equal Protection Downloads and Printables


The following booklet may also be of use:
The Role of Civil Government: The Role of the Civil Magistrate as Manifestly Taught in the Holy Scriptures, which Flow from Their Identity and into Their Activity


To our knowledge, these are the only individuals running for office who are willing to go public with the fact that they will sponsor a bill of total and immediate abolition of abortion as murder, providing equal protection for all human beings regardless of size, level of development, environment, or degree of dependency. This does not necessarily constitute an endorsement of every view held by the politician. Rather, it is to say that these are the only candidates who have said, in effect, that they will actually perform the God-given duty of the civil magistrate to be a terror to evildoers who perpetrate child sacrifice. While we live in an abortion holocaust, surely this should be a basic and non-negotiable starting point for your consideration.



If you know of someone running for office in Nebraska who will commit to sponsoring a bill of equal protection, please tell us so we can add their name to this list.


Think, dear reader: If the candidate you are looking at will not stand up against wicked parents who murder their own helpless children, then for the love of God and neighbor, why would you give that person your vote? Why would you reward such weak or cowardly or godless behavior in a politician? Why would you delegate your authority as a citizen in a constitutional republic to someone who will fail to protect the innocent from day one in office? If they are willing to compromise on the murder of babies, where else will they compromise?


Go to your local abortion mill. (They are not clinics, for that implies healthcare. Abortion is murder.) Plead with those going in to have mercy on their children. Offer help and hope. Preach the gospel. Show the love of Christ at the very gates of hell.


The ministry Rescue Those has some great resources to help you get started:
Rescue Those – Resources for Going to Abortion Mills


Please feel free to also reach out to us if you would like to be involved in this effort.


Would you like to be on our email list? You can sign up here.


Consider the magnitude of the situation we are in. Day after day after week after month after year of killing of innocent children. Their blood rises to God in heaven and cries out to him. The Lord is angry with us for our great wickedness.


There is much to pray for in this regard, but in particular, plead with God for repentance:

  • for our civil magistrates, who have neglected their duty to administer justice,
  • for mothers who have murdered their own children,
  • for fathers who have cruelly supported such evil and abdicated their responsibility toward their offspring, leaving them fatherless,
  • for yourself, if it be that you formerly lived in apathy toward your preborn neighbors while we live through a holocaust,
  • for churches who profess the name of Christ yet pay more attention to their coffee ministry than the murder of innocents happening daily in their city,
  • for all Nebraskans who have supported legislation that is prejudiced against the preborn.


If you do not feel in your soul the weightiness of the evil of abortion, you would do well to watch “Babies Are Murdered Here.”


Yet remember that prayer is not a substitute for other godly action. If your brother comes to you with a great need, and you know you can do something to meet his need, would you send him on his way saying, “I will pray for you”?


All the best abolitionist content in one place for your mobile device.


The Rescue Those app, available on the Google Play Store, Apple App Store, and Amazon Appstore.


Download it here.

Rescue Those app


If you agree with the Norman Statement and are interested in joining a local abolitionist society, drop us a note.


This is not all of the possible ways to help. See also the ideas on the following list:

Loving Your Preborn Neighbors, from A to Z